Myofascial Release for Women

  • What is a Myofascia?

    Myofascia (AKA fascia or connective tissue) is the tissue that surrounds and is within most of the body. With varying degrees of flexibility, it provides structure & support for the musculature, arteries/veins/lymph vessels, nerves, bones and organs of the body, much like the individual sections hold juice and pulp in an orange.

  • What is Myofascial Release?

    Myofascial Release is a technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure to various layers of the connective tissue in order to release restrictions & congestion. Little or no oil can be used, and some work can also be done through light, loose fitting clothing.

  • What are the benefits of Myofascial Work?

    Myofascial Release can reduce pain caused by acute or chronic injuries & conditions, decrease fascial restrictions & restore mobility to various structures in the body.

    To schedule a Myofascial Session with Jen, CLICK HERE.