Sliding Scale Offerings

  • How the Sliding Scale Works

    Jen’s Sliding Scale is intended to create a very accessible way for clients to receive bodywork. Listed below is a 4-tier, Sliding Scale Guide that will help you determine what tier you most identify with. Once you choose a tier, Jen will keep that rate in place through the end of each year. Because finances & circumstances can change, Jen will ask you to reevaluate which tier most appropriately fits your lifestyle at the beginning of every year.

  • Tier 1: Full Price

    If most of the economic identifiers below apply to you, please select Tier 1:

    own the home you live in

    have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

    travel recreationally

    have access to family money and resources in times of need

    benefit from a two-income household

    have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.) Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, I ask you to recognize this as a choice.

    Prices for Tier 1 are as follows:

    90 minute sessions $150 + GRT

  • Tier 2: $10 savings per session

    If most of the economic identifiers below apply to you, please select Tier 2

    have 1-2 income earners in your household

    comfortably meet most of your basic needs but do not have much or any savings

    have housing stability

    take occasional trips or vacations relative to your financial means

    have some debt but can still meet your primary needs on a regular basis

    most medical expenses are covered by insurance

    Prices for Tier 2 are as follows:

    90 minute sessions $140 + GRT

  • Tier 3: $20 savings per session

    If most of the economic identifiers below apply to you, please select Tier 3:

    have single household income

    have a child or other dependent

    have some debt

    have 25-50% of medical expenses not covered by insurance

    are temporarily injured and have limited income

    Prices for Tier 3 are as follows:

    90 minute sessions $130 + GRT

  • Tier 4: $30 savings per session

    If most of the economic identifiers below apply to you, please select Tier 3:

    are supporting more than 2 children or other dependents

    have a potentially unstable housing situation or are in a low income housing program

    have significant debt

    have a number of medical expenses not covered by any insurance

    are an elder or disabled with limited financial support

    are an unpaid community organizer

    Prices for Tier 4 are as follows:

    90 minute sessions $120 + GRT

Sliding Scale Contact

Phone: 206-300-9598


Or use the form below. Jen will get back to you within 48 hours.